We Are The 99%, we talk to you, do you hear us?
The peaceful revolution in berlin has began!
We are the 99% of the population versus its 1%, where the 1% together control most of the resources which we could use. In the 1% we can find the bankers, the politicians and the owners of medias and huge propertıes. They talk in secret to exploit us (but also themselves) and we talk publicly and in assemblies, because we find the assemblies a useful tool for reaching consensus and because we learn that the 1% will always try to split us - the 99%.
- pad for 99% making the manifest for berlin1
- dream-stream-pad
- feeds and list of network of sites
- events loaded by anyone anonymously
- speak-out statement per day loaded by anyone anonymously
- the code of alex11.org
- pad for the internet-tralala
- pdf 25/10/11,19:24 We have some ideas as for how to change the system by decentralizing it, here are some (add yours as a comment too):
rss of the google-news on "occupy berlin"l
Does a peaceful revolution begins with conflicts about owner rights and by loosing respect for a free service and solidarity act of colleques to promote onesself interests?
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